At the start of December 2020 Mission Beach Tourism Inc., a local not for profit tourism group, started using the name “Explore Mission Beach” on their Facebook page, however from 2015 the travel agency “Explore Mission Beach” was registered as a registered business by a local private company and started to claim the brand name and trademark of “Explore Mission Beach”.

How can two travel centres’ even think of using the same name and begs the question, “Will The Real Explore Mission Beach Stand Up” ❓

Mission Beach News reached out to Tropical Coast Tourism, another not for profit group in the tourism industry for a comment on the record and they refused to add a comment on the record.
What is more interesting that in 2015 Mission Beach Tourism Inc. agreed in writing, not to use the business name and claimed trademark & brand name of “Explore Mission Beach” leading to wonder why a not-for-profit group to attempt to close down the legal owner of the business name & trademark & brand name of “Explore Mission Beach” and the story becomes interesting due to several reasons.

The main issue is the new incoming president Nancy Lowe of Tropical Coast Tourism from Mission Beach Dunk Island Water Taxi & Mission Beach Dive,has been publicly defaming the real owner of “Explore Mission Beach” PMAJDT Pty Ltd, a local company owned by Mr Rodney F Young and there is where the plot thickens!!!

Firstly, Nancy Lowe in 2019 dishonesty claimed that a small new group called New Year’s Eve Association, was not registered to run as a group and fundraise for community firework on New Year’s Eve in Mission Beach to see the end of 2019 and welcome 2020, however later is proven to be dishonest information & defamation of the new group members that the Minister for Justice & Leader of the house of the Queensland Government had determined no one is required to be registered under law to fundraise for community fireworks.
After the dishonest claims Nancy Lowe started to stalk and harass the real owner of “Explore Mission Beach” Mr Young to the point police had to be called and Facebook removing several bullying and harassment posts and comments by Nancy Lowe to the point of advising Mr Young to mow his yard as the grass was long!!!
One post on Facebook by Nancy Lowe claimed Mr Young was a sick individual and people should not follow Mission Beach News, a seven year old local media outlet sharing local and world news, events and a few jokes thrown into the mix, however what is not a joke is Nancy Lowe claiming no businesses should give Mr Young any money, basically closing down Mr Young’s business by delusions of grandeur by Nancy Lowe in believing she controls who can run and start a new business in Mission Beach and who gets money, which leads Mission Beach to believe that Nancy Lowe is dishonestly attempting at all costs to close down and ruin Mr Young, even using her powers in the local tourism centres as the president of Tropical Coast Tourism.

Several other matters concerning Nancy Lowe, other community members and Mission Beach Tourism Inc., will be explored in the upcoming “Will The Real Explore Mission Beach Please Stand Up” part two story.